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scaling and root planing in dallas

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Welcome to our dedicated page on Scaling and Root Planing! This treatment, often called a "deep cleaning," is an essential procedure to treat gum disease before it becomes too advanced. Below, we'll dive into why it's done, how the procedure works, and what to expect throughout the entire process. Let’s get started!

Why is Scaling and Root Planing necessary?

Gum disease, or periodontitis, begins as a mild inflammation of the gums called gingivitis. Over time, if left untreated, it can lead to deep pockets between the teeth and gums. These pockets can harbor harmful bacteria that damage the bone and tissues supporting your teeth.

Scaling and Root Planing is a preventative measure aimed at:

  1. Removing plaque and tartar (calculus) build-up below the gumline.
  2. Smoothing the root surfaces to prevent further plaque and bacteria build-up.
  3. Helping the gums reattach to the teeth, reducing pocket depth.
  4. Halting the progression of gum disease.
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How is it done?

  1. Assessment: First, your dental hygienist or periodontist will use a small ruler called a probe to measure any pockets around a tooth. This will determine the extent of gum separation.
  2. Scaling: Specialized dental instruments, or sometimes ultrasonic scalers, are used to remove dental plaque and calculus around the gum line and deeper pockets.
  3. Root Planing: This step involves smoothing out the roots of your teeth, helping gums reattach. The smoother root surface makes it harder for bacteria to accumulate.
  4. Antibacterial Agent: Occasionally, an antibacterial agent might be applied into the pockets to reduce harmful bacteria and further promote healing.

What to Expect?


  • You might be given a local anesthetic to numb the area being treated, ensuring your comfort.
  • Pre-procedure X-rays may be taken to evaluate the bone below the gum line and better understand the depth of periodontal pockets.


  • The procedure can take one to several visits, depending on the extent of gum disease and the patient's oral hygiene habits.
  • Expect to hear scraping sounds, which is entirely normal as the plaque and calculus are being removed.


  • Some tenderness or discomfort might be felt after the anesthetic wears off.
  • Minor bleeding or swollen gums can be observed but should diminish in a few days.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers can be used, but always consult your dentist or periodontist first.
  • An antiseptic mouth rinse might be prescribed to aid in the healing process.

Recovery Time

Recovery is generally quick, but it largely depends on the severity of your gum disease and how well you maintain your oral hygiene post-treatment.

  • Initial healing and gum attachment can often be noticed in a few weeks.
  • Deep pockets, if present, may take a few months to heal fully.
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Post-procedure Diet

For the first 24-48 hours, it’s best to eat soft foods to avoid any discomfort. Here are some recommendations:

  • Yogurt
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Smoothies
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Soups (not too hot)
  • Pudding or gelatin

It's essential to avoid:

  • Crunchy foods like chips or popcorn.
  • Foods with seeds.
  • Hot or spicy foods, as they might cause discomfort.
  • Using a straw as the suction can irritate the treatment

Scaling and Root Planing is a fundamental procedure in the fight against gum disease. At Dallas Periodontics and Dental Implants, our priority is ensuring your optimal dental health. Regular check-ups, combined with a diligent home care routine, can prevent the need for further treatments. Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or to schedule your next appointment!

This gives you a comprehensive overview of Scaling and Root Planing. Remember, the key to a healthy smile is proactive dental care!

Our Services

periodontal / gum diseasedental implantsfull arch implantsimmediate implants

tooth recession / gum graftingesthetic treatmentssedation and dental anesthesia

Contact Information

7557 Rambler Rd #1465, Dallas, TX 75231

(214) 238-8323(214) 254-4705

Monday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Wednesday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday:8:00 am - 12:00 pm



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7557 Rambler Rd #1465, Dallas, TX 75231

(214) 238-8323(214) 254-4705

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