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dental implants in dallas

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Dental implants are fixtures placed into the jawbone to support a crown. They are used when teeth are lost and are the current standard of care for tooth replacement. When used properly, dental implants have a success rate of 97%!

An advantage of a dental implant is that it is a conservative treatment. A single tooth may be replaced, or a full arch of teeth. It will improve your chewing function, speech, esthetics, and oral health. An alternative to a dental implant is a bridge. However, a bridge requires that the teeth near the missing site be cut down to act as supports. Therefore, three or more teeth may require treatment for a bridge, whereas a dental implant can be used in a single tooth site. The jawbone does require a certain amount of time to heal around a dental implant, typically 8 to 24 weeks. The healing may be affected by medical conditions, presence of tooth infection and quality of bone. After your implant heals, your dentist will take impressions to have the new tooth constructed in a dental laboratory. Your dentist will then attach an abutment and crown, which will serve as your new tooth.

What makes up a dental implant

Dental implants are fabricated from titanium and integrate, or fuse with, the jawbone. The titanium is inert and the body does not mount a defense against the new fixture. Other materials, such as a bone graft or growth factor, may be required to stabilize an implant.

There are hundreds of dental implant manufacturers on the market. At Dallas Periodontics, we use only the highest quality of dental implants for our patients.

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Candidates for dental implants

Dental implants are indicated for the replacement of lost teeth. When a tooth is missing, a dental implant may be used to replace the root portion of the tooth. This is positioned into the jaw bone during a surgical procedure and allowed to heal for several months. Once the dental implant is secure and the bone has healed, your restorative dentist will place an abutment and crown. This is the portion of the fixture that can be seen in the mouth and is used for function (ie: chewing, speaking, etc).

While any person missing a tooth may be a candidate for a dental implant, there are certain factors that improve the success of your treatment. Medical conditions such as Diabetes, poor nutrition, and immunocompromise may hinder your ability to properly heal following surgery. Smoking and periodontal disease may also compromise your treatment, if not adequately addressed. Your periodontist will complete a comprehensive examination and review any medical history or conditions in order to optimize your healing and provide a healthy, long-lasting dental implant.

Single tooth implants

An implant is a standalone fixture, meaning it can be placed into the jaw bone almost anywhere that a tooth is missing. Most of the time, patients will not be able to distinguishing their new dental implant from a natural tooth. The advantage of an implant is that it can replace a single tooth without affecting teeth in neighboring areas. Alternatives to dental implants, such as bridges, require two support teeth on either side of a missing tooth.

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How to care for your dental implant

Continue to brush and floss your implant just like an original tooth. Dental implants and crowns are resistant to cavities, or dental decay. However, your fixture may develop bone loss, if not properly cared for. Water picks, proxabrushes, and mouth rinses are excellent adjuncts to add to your oral hygiene routine.

It is recommended that you to see your dentist and periodontist at least twice a year for cleanings and radiographs, to check the stability and health of your implant.

Cost of Dental Implants in Dallas

Dental implants are a cost-effective way to restore esthetics and function. Without teeth, you may notice changes in eating, speech, and appearance. Your periodontist will conduct an initial examination to assesses the foundation of your new tooth.

A dental implant requires healthy jaw bone and gum tissues, which may need to be augmented before or during your procedure. Addition of bone, tissue, or growth factors may affect the overall cost of your case.

At Dallas Periodontics, we deliver a comprehensive and transparent plan, so that you know exactly what is required for your case. While costs may vary, Dr. Rabe’s goal is to provide successful and conservative care, so that cost does not prohibit you from receiving the dental treatment you deserve.

Once your dental implant heals, you will see your restorative dentist for an abutment and crown. Please consult with your dentist to determine the cost of these procedures in their office.

Our Services

periodontal / gum diseasedental implantsfull arch implantsimmediate implants

tooth recession / gum graftingesthetic treatmentssedation and dental anesthesia

Contact Information

7557 Rambler Rd #1465, Dallas, TX 75231

(214) 238-8323(214) 254-4705

Monday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Wednesday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday:8:00 am - 12:00 pm



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dallas periodontics and dental implants

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7557 Rambler Rd #1465, Dallas, TX 75231

(214) 238-8323(214) 254-4705

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