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periodontal / gum disease in dallas

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Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a dental infection caused by bacteria in the gums and bone surrounding the teeth. Gum disease is extremely common and affects over 50% of the population. The problem usually starts when bacteria irritate the dental tissues and tartar (or calculus) hardens below the gum line. The initial condition is called gingivitis.

As the infection progresses to periodontitis, patient may start to lose the supporting foundation of bone and gums around the teeth. This disease may go unchecked because pain often does not develop until the latest stages of infection. Periodontal disease may also spread to adjacent teeth or dental implants.

What causes periodontal disease

Many factors may be related to the development of gum disease. Controllable factors include brushing and home care, in-office cleanings, tooth position (occlusion or bite), and smoking. Non-modifiable factors may include genetics, medical conditions, family history, or bacterial profile. Your periodontist will assess all factors related to your case in order to provide the most comprehensive care.

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Symptoms of periodontitis

Complications of untreated gum disease may include tender, red or swollen gums, bleeding when brushing or eating, bad breath, reduced function when chewing or speaking, loose teeth or even tooth loss.

Teeth may become longer as the foundation pulls away and gums recede. Your dentist or periodontist may note deeper pockets or recession during your dental examination.

How to treat periodontal disease

Treatment approaches may be either non-surgical or surgical. Depending on the severity of your disease, your periodontist may suggest either a deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) or periodontal surgery. At Dallas Periodontics, we use the latest techniques to provide you with excellent and efficient care. Modern technology used in our office includes:

  • 3D Cone beam computer tomography (CBCT)
  • Digital radiographs
  • Intraoral cameras and digital photography
  • 3D Intraoral comparative scanning
  • Air-abrasive polishing
  • Localized antibiotics (Arestin®, Chlorhexidine Chip®)
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Benefits of gum disease treatment

Periodontal treatment may save your teeth and your smile. As certified specialists, we implement advanced techniques to stop the progression of periodontal infection and bone loss. Depending on your case, your periodontist may even have the capability to re-grow (or regenerate) lost bone and gum tissues.

After treatment, you will notice less inflammation and bleeding, improved tooth support, and healthier looking gums and teeth. You may also see improvement in medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

At Dallas Periodontics, our goal is to save your teeth and restore oral health. Periodontal treatment can help improve your quality of life, including eating the foods that you want and speaking without worrying about loose or infected teeth.

Who is a candidate for gum disease treatment

After careful examination, your periodontist will explain how to treat and manage your periodontal disease. All patients are candidates, since healthy gums are linked to your overall health and wellbeing.

We recommend you see your periodontist a least annually to check gum and bone health. You should also see your dentist and or periodontist, at least bi-annually, for dental cleanings and radiographs.

Our Services

periodontal / gum diseasedental implantsfull arch implantsimmediate implants

tooth recession / gum graftingesthetic treatmentssedation and dental anesthesia

Contact Information

7557 Rambler Rd #1465, Dallas, TX 75231

(214) 238-8323(214) 254-4705

Monday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tuesday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Wednesday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Thursday:8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday:8:00 am - 12:00 pm



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7557 Rambler Rd #1465, Dallas, TX 75231

(214) 238-8323(214) 254-4705

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