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Ridge Preservation Bone Grafting

The Experts in Periodontics and Dental Surgery in Dallas, TX

Ridge Preservation Bone Grafting in Dallas

Ridge preservation bone grafting, also known as socket preservation or alveolar ridge preservation, is a dental procedure performed after tooth extraction to minimize bone loss and preserve the shape and volume of the jawbone.

When a tooth is extracted, the surrounding bone in the socket may undergo resorption, which is the natural process of bone loss. Without intervention, this resorption can lead to a decrease in more than 50% of the bone height and width, potentially compromising the adjacent teeth and limiting options for future restorations, such as dental implants.

Ridge preservation bone grafting aims to maintain the dimensions of the alveolar ridge by filling the socket with a bone graft material immediately after the tooth extraction. The bone graft material acts as a scaffold for new bone formation, preventing excessive bone loss and preserving the shape of the ridge.

During the procedure, the periodontist gently removes the tooth, and any infected or damaged tissue is thoroughly cleaned from the socket. The socket is then filled with a bone graft material, which can be sourced from the patient’s own body (autograft) or donor sources (allograft). After placing the bone graft material, the socket is covered with a protective barrier, such as a membrane, to promote healing and prevent soft tissue ingrowth into the socket. Finally, sutures are used to close the tissues and stabilize the bone graft.

Over time, the bone graft material stimulates the growth of new bone cells, which integrate with the existing bone. The result is the preservation of the jaw bone height and width, providing esthetics and a stable foundation for future dental restorations.

It’s important to note that ridge preservation bone grafting is most effective when performed immediately after tooth extraction. Delaying the procedure may result in more significant bone loss and require additional complex bone grafting techniques to restore the ridge’s dimensions. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss ridge preservation options with your periodontist prior to tooth extraction.