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Periodontal Disease Grafting

The Experts in Periodontics and Dental Surgery in Dallas, TX

Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and supporting structures of the teeth, including the jawbone. It is characterized by the inflammation and destruction of the tissues surrounding the teeth, leading to gum recession, bone loss and tooth loss.

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure used to restore or regenerate bone in areas where it has been lost due to periodontal disease or other factors. This graft, taken either from the patient’s own body (autograft) or a donor source (allograft), acts as a scaffold, promoting the growth of new bone cells and blood vessels. Over time, the graft material is gradually replaced by the patient’s own bone, restoring the stability of the teeth.

Periodontal Disease Grafting in Dallas

It’s important to note that bone grafting is typically part of a comprehensive treatment plan for periodontal disease. Along with the grafting procedure, the underlying cause of the disease, such as plaque and tartar buildup, must be removed. This can be accomplished with a preliminary professional deep cleaning (scaling and root planing) or periodontal surgery. The specific technique and materials used in bone grafting for periodontal disease may vary depending on the severity of the bone loss and the individual patient’s needs. In most cases, bone grafting is combined with other periodontal procedures, such as flap surgery or guided tissue regeneration, to achieve optimal results.

Regular dental visits and maintenance therapy are crucial to manage the condition and prevent further bone loss. It is also important to maintain good at home oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing.

Local and Systemic Antibiotics

In some cases, antibiotics or antimicrobial agents may be prescribed to complement the treatment and aid in controlling the infection. These antibiotics may be placed directly into the periodontal pocket or may be taken as a pill. Your periodontist will determine which antibiotic is appropriate, based on the severity of your case.

How many visits will it take?

Dental scaling and root planing treatments are performed by trained dental professionals, such as dentists and dental hygienists, and may require multiple visits depending on the severity of gum disease. After the procedure, regular maintenance and good oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, are essential to maintain gum health and prevent the recurrence of gum disease.

Recovery After a Gingivectomy

Recovery from a gingivectomy varies depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Generally, patients can expect some swelling and tenderness following surgery, but we can often manage this with over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers. Following our post-operative instructions is essential to ensure proper healing.

During the initial healing period, we may advise you to:

  • Avoid hard or crunchy foods that could irritate the surgical area.
  • Maintain excellent oral hygiene and be careful when eating and brushing around the surgical site.
  • Attend follow-up appointments to monitor healing and assess the results of the procedure.

Benefits of Gingivectomy

There are numerous benefits associated with undergoing a gingivectomy:

  • Improved Gum Health: Removing diseased tissue can halt the progression of periodontal disease and promote healthy gum regeneration.
  • Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal: A gingivectomy can lead to a more appealing smile and greater confidence for those with excess gum tissue.
  • Easier Oral Hygiene: A more manageable gum line makes brushing and flossing easier, reducing the risk of future dental issues.

Why Choose Dallas Periodontics and Dental Implants?

At Dallas Periodontics and Dental Implants, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to ensuring our patients’ highest standard of care. We use state-of-the-art technology and the latest dental techniques to provide effective treatments. By prioritizing patient education and comfort, we aim to make every procedure as smooth and successful as possible.

Gingivectomy in Dallas

If you are experiencing gum-related concerns or believe a gingivectomy may benefit you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Laura Rabe. We will assess your individual needs, discuss the potential outcomes, and work together to achieve your oral health goals. Contact Dallas Periodontics and Dental Implants today to better understand gingivectomy and how we can help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.